Fast Food- The Silent Killer
Group 9- Amber, Andrew and Joan
The number of children in American suffering from chronic medical condition has risen drastically over the last 15 years. This has been linked to the fact advertisers are targeting our children. The industry is not required to disclose nutritional facts, and when they due there difficult for the consumer to understand. There have also been studies that have shown a link between high stress jobs and obesity. “Food with lots of sugar, fat and calories appear literally to calm down the bodies chronic response to stress (Engler, 179). Could this be a leading contributor in obesity? John Banzhaf, a practitioner of public interest law, states obesity kills annually 300,000 Americans at a cost of 100 billion a year (Banzhaf, 162). This is an industry very close to the smoking industry, it just gets less attention. It took lawsuits and legislation to inform the public on the hazards of smoking; it should be the same for the fast food industry. Although people have been dieting since the beginning of time some analysts think that it helps create the problem. “It has been proven over and over again that any statistically significant group of dieters will end up weighing more, on average, than a comparable group that never began dieting (Campos, 208). The American diet industry is an every expanding industry. However some say, “Dieting to avoid getting fat makes as much sense as smoking to get lung cancer (Campos, 209).We have always religiously used the BMI chart to establish ones health in terms of weight. It has been acknowledged by many that the BMI chart doesn’t take into account ones body type and muscle size. Therefore do we really know the number of people who are obese; however we have proven the increase in diabetes and its link to other chronic health conditions?
Works Cited:
Banzhaf, John H. III. “Lawsuits Against Fast-Food Restaurants Are an Effective Way to Combat Obesity.” Personal Responsibility in Food Consumption Act. *Preceedings of the Congressional subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, June 19, 2003.* Rpt. in *They Say/I Say with Readings*. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein and Russel Durst. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2009. Print.
Engler, Yves. “”Obesity: Much of the Responsibility Lies with Corporations.” Z Magazine (2003). .* Rpt. in *They Say/I Say with Readings*. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein and Russel Durst. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2009. Print.
Campos, Paul. "Being Fat is Okay." (Jewish World Review, 2001) Rpt. in They Say I Say With Reading. Gerald Graff, Cathy Birkenstein and Russell Durst. New York: W.W. Norton and Company, 2009. Print.
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To start out with I was able to stay focused on reading your paper all the way to the very end. I would have to say that your group was pretty effective over all. There are a few things that I saw while reading your paper that could make your writing. Most of these improvements are pretty simple to complete/fix for the future. The first one was when you introduce the author when you quote something the authors name does not have to be in the in-texted citation. You also have a quote where you forgot to include the last quotation mark. The last improvement is you simply just forgot to include a space in between the period and the next word. Overall your group’s paper was pretty good.
ReplyDeleteI think that your paper was smooth reading and that the stats and quotes you guys used were the right choices. They fit in and enhanced your own words as well as supporting them of course. I think that your paper had a mellow and matter of fact tone, which is nice it wasn't fast and furious...factual and certain, making it for me anyways, easier to read and take in when your not so blind sided by the authors tone, and haste, especially if you are not in agreeance with their stance on the subject. Good paper overall!!
ReplyDeleteI liked the facts you used, however, it would be good to clarify some of the points. In your introduction you talk about advertising targeting kids but not what industry is behind these ads (outside readers may not be aware who you are referring to). Also, your citations would be more effective if you gave an introduction of sorts about the author you are quoting.
ReplyDeleteI really liked the point about the similarity between smoking and being overweight. It's true that smoking does get quite a bit more press than being overweight; I think people don't talk about it as much because they think it's obvious, but that's just not true. Overall I felt this post was effective, but I have to say, your concluding sentence really confused me. It seems like two different point jumbled into one. I also agree with Nicole; your citations would be much more effective with an introduction.
ReplyDeleteYou make a very effective argument with this paper but it was not on the same track as your topic of "Fast Food- The Silent Killer". You only had one or two sentences that referenced fast food. I wish you would have brought up more links as to why fast food is a silent killer, maybe by explaining how it is silent by misleading information provided by the sellers.
ReplyDeleteI think your group had a good response. It gave very solid information that led the reader to believe your credibility. I like how you related it to smoking. I think relating your topic to another helps readers understand your point better. I think it would have been good to see your group’s opinion shine through a little more though. I also thought you citations were effective and there was just the right amount of them.
ReplyDeleteYour paper is a lot like the one we wrote. I think the quotes your group added are good attention getters. It was an easy and informational essay. Possibly your group could have added more about how you feel about the issue, maybe not directly but threw your point of view in a little stronger. I like how you compared smoking with obesity. It seems that people are not as concerned with people’s health problems due to obesity but their looks and body image, and it’s a big deal. Just look at the statistics you posted on how many lives are taken from obesity.
ReplyDeleteI thought your response paper was well done. I like that it was an easy read and understandable. I also like how you used questions in your paper. Like everyone else i liked the relating of smoking to this topic. It provide a good mental image and line of thought when reading the rest of the essay.I like the use of the statical data, it help to add credibility for me. Over all well done.